In India, there is hardly anybody who does not know about ROTI. Ultimately ROTI, Kapda and Makaan are most essential for life. And ROTI is most essential- we need it every day.

I was taught my lesson on ROTI very early in life when I attended a session of Bombay Management Association where Mr Uday Kotak (founder of Kotak Mahindra Bank) delivered a very inspirational talk.

He said that in order to be successful in life, one has to always be concerned about ROTI- Return on Time Invested. If I invest my time in any activity, what is the return that I will get?

God has been impartial when it comes to time. A rich person and a poor person, both have 24 hours in a day. They may have unequal wealth, but when it comes to time, all of us have 24 hours. Some of us “spend” time, and some “invest” time. When you “spend” time, it is debited to the expenditure side of your Profit & Loss account. When you “invest” time it is accumulated as an Asset in your Balance Sheet.

Are we really investing our time or are we spending it? Do we record how the time is utilized? We say time is money and it really is. However, why are we not as careful in spending time as we are about spending money? How many hours do we spend on watching T.V. serials and socializing? Can we “save” part of this time and convert it into an “investment”?

What is an investment or an asset? It is something which gives us returns/ fruits in future. So when we invest time in preparing ourselves for wealth creation, is it not a great investment? Today you do not have money, so you are not investing in stock market or real estate. But are you investing time and preparing yourself by gaining knowledge by reading books or watching the right channels or socializing with the right people or by building your network. Are you volunteering to invest your time to be associated with your friend who is buying real estate? If you tag along with your friend when he goes for any real estate deal, you will be adding to your knowledge and experience – that’s preparation. You could have spent the afternoon watching T.V. or you could have invested this time by going to the Real Estate exhibition, even if you do not have the funds to buy real estate today. If you are really interested in real estate then you must prepare yourself today by investing your time in this. This will prepare you. Remember TCS- Training (by investing your time), Courage (to defy your family & friends who might ridicule you) & Sacrifice (one afternoon’s sleep sacrificed at the altar of real estate knowledge).

So what is your ROTI today? Do you remember any opportunities for preparation that you allowed to slip through your hands?

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